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About Us

Make Connections, Stay Informed and Promote Your Business

  • Create a strong local economy
  • Promote the community
  • Provide networking opportunities
  • Represent the interests of business with government
  • Take strong political action on behalf of business

Established in 1961, the Chamber is committed to developing and maintaining a vital and thriving economy. The Board of Directors and professional staff supports and educates its members through networking opportunities, business workshops and promotional programs.

Who We Are

The Chamber is comprised of three divisions that oversee various member-driven committees. Chamber members have found that committees are a great way to a build business and a strong local economy. Active committees include Ambassadors, Marketing and Beautification, Governmental Affairs, and Special Events. Any member in good standing is eligible to serve. For more information on any of our programs and projects, email us at:

What We Do

In addition to referral services online, over the phone and in person, the Chamber coordinates two large tradeshows each year - Holiday Mega Mixer in December and the Annual 50+ Expo in the fall. There are monthly luncheons and mixers as well as skills-building workshops and seminars. Members can promote their services in a variety of ways including posting hot deals or videos on the website, and take advantage of a nationwide mobile directory of businesses owned and operated by local Chamber members. The Chamber produces a full-color, high quality area map with listings of each Chamber member as well as a full-color Membership Directory, Relocation and Visitor Guide with category and alphabetical listings of members.

Benefits of Joining

  • Advertising to prospective clients actively seeking your services
  • Networking opportunities with other business people
  • Local and regional legislative representation
  • Access to the most up-to-date information and resources

The South County Chambers of Commerce is the most cost-effective way to strengthen your business in the community, plus you'll make friends and business connections that will last a lifetime. Join us today!

We are Happy to Serve South County Businesses.